Contact us if you think you may benefit from any of the specialty eye exams we offer. If there is a need for surgical help or therapy, we’re also able to book appointments with incredible ophthalmologists and vision therapists who may otherwise not be open to new patient referrals.
Specialty Contact Lenses
Scleral contacts are large-diameter gas permeable contact lenses specially designed to vault over the entire corneal surface and rest on the “white” of the eye (sclera). In doing so, scleral lenses functionally replace an irregular cornea with a perfectly smooth optical surface to correct vision problems caused by keratoconus and other corneal irregularities. Also, the space between the cornea and the back surface of a scleral lens acts as a fluid reservoir to provide comfort for people with severe dry eyes who otherwise could not tolerate contact lens wear.

Myopic Management
Myopia control is a term used to describe specific treatments to slow nearsightedness in children, typically ages 7-13. There are four primary categories of myopia control treatments: atropine eye drops, multifocal contact lenses, myopia control glasses and orthokeratology (ortho-k). Myopia control is important because it may help reduce the risk of vision-threatening complications associated with high myopia later in life — including glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment and even blindness.

Pediatric Services
Parents often ask us about the right age for a first eye doctor appointment. The answer always surprises them, and it may surprise you: six months. Good vision is essential to early childhood development. If your child is unable to see clearly, he or she may lose their natural sense of curiosity and desire to learn before either has had the chance to fully emerge.
During exams for infants, doctors are mainly watching to see if your child’s eyes track objects well. This early screening can help detect eye alignment problems, early vision problems, early retinopathies, and other issues. Later, doctors will determine whether your child is able to see clearly on their own, or whether they need corrective lenses.
Woolf Eye Lab participates in pediatric eye programs for infants under the American Optometric Association InfantSEE program. For more information or to schedule an appointment for your infant, please contact our office.

Glaucoma often is called the “silent thief of sight,” because most types typically cause no pain and produce no symptoms until noticeable vision loss occurs. As a result, glaucoma often progresses undetected until the optic nerve already has been irreversibly damaged, with varying degrees of permanent vision loss. This is exactly why regular eye and specialty eye exams are so important — the Glaucoma screening that is part of each eye exam can assess your risk for Glaucoma or diagnose it early.
There are also acute cases, where symptoms occur suddenly and can include blurry vision, halos around lights, intense eye pain, nausea, and vomiting. If you have these symptoms, call us immediately so steps can be taken to prevent permanent vision loss.
We screen, diagnose, and treat glaucoma at Woolf Eye Lab, and we partner with a number of outside providers to co-manage surgery cases. Treatment can involve surgery, lasers, or medication, depending on the severity. Eye drops with medication aimed at lowering your pressure usually are tried first to control glaucoma.
It’s important that you’re screened annually for glaucoma, regardless of your age, eyesight, or overall health.
Glaucoma definitions and explanations are provided by

Computer Vision Syndrome
The growing use of computers in the home and office brings with it an increase in health risks, especially for the eyes. One eye problem, called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), is afflicting more and more people who find themselves constantly in front of computer screens.
Are you at risk for CVS?
If you spend more than four hours a day in front of a computer screen and you’ve experienced headaches, blurred vision, dry, itchy eyes, or other symptoms, you may have CVS. The good news is that it is treatable and preventable.
Although CVS has not been found to cause any permanent damage to the eyes, its painful symptoms can affect performance at work and at home. Treatment for CVS may include different types of contact lenses or glasses, adjustments to your prescription, and/or special eye drops.
If you’re concerned about your risks for CVS please contact our office for an appointment with Dr. Brian Woolf, who specializes in CVS.

Color Blind Corrective Glasses
There’s an exciting solution for people with color blindness. We can analyze your type of color blindness and fit you with the right lenses to correct your vision. The leader in this field is EnChroma. We offer their CX series of lenses and frames. When people first try them on they are truly amazed at the difference in the world around them. If you live with color blindness,you owe it to yourself to make an appointment and give them a try!